首页 新闻 【聚焦艺术市场收藏指南】——最具收藏价值艺术大家李伍久专题报道



[collection guide focusing on the art market] – a special report by Li Wujiu, the most valuable art collector

李伍久,白族,1938年生,云南剑川梅园人。中共党员,中学高级教师,一生支边怒江从事教育、教研工作,先后荣获云南省“先进教育工作者”、”先进教研工作者”荣誉称号。业余喜文乐艺,有新诗、诗词、歌曲、歌舞、散文、小说、童话、书画、诗书论文等多种作品问世,并多有获奖与出版。先后荣获”诗词名家”、”国家一级艺术大师”、”国礼特供艺术家”、“共和国杰出艺术家”、”共和国人民艺术家”、“中国国魂艺术大家”、”共和国五星级艺术家”、“中国金牌艺术家”、“中华国礼书法大师”、“国家宝藏级文艺家”、“中国泰斗级文艺家”、”全球十大最具影响力文艺家”、“世界和平文化传播大使”、“世界华人楷模”、“中国精神  榜样人物”、”世界十大殿堂级艺术大师”等荣誉称号,跻身世界殿堂级艺术大师序列,入驻了北京新建的”时代榜样馆”,成了”时代榜样美术馆”的入主之一。2020与2022年两次被特邀将本人书法作品随同习主席的重要图文出版为贺岁台历,传遍了海内外,深感荣幸!

Li Wujiu, Bai nationality, born in 1938, is from Meiyuan, Jianchuan, Yunnan. A member of the Communist Party of China, a senior middle school teacher, he has been engaged in education, teaching and research work in the Nujiang River all his life, and has successively won the honorary titles of “Advanced Educator” and “Advanced Teaching and Research Worker” in Yunnan Province. Amateur loves literature and music, there are new poems, poems, songs, songs and dances, prose, novels, fairy tales, painting and calligraphy, poetry and essays and other works have come out, and many awards and publications. He has successively won the “Famous Poetry Master”, “National First-Class Art Master”, “National Gift Artist”, “Republic Outstanding Artist”, “Republic People’s Artist”, “Chinese National Soul Art Master”, “Republic Five-star Artist” , “Chinese Gold Medal Artist”, “Chinese National Ceremony Calligraphy Master”, “National Treasure-level Artist”, “China’s Master-level Artist”, “Top Ten Most Influential Artists in the World”, “World Peace Culture Communication Ambassador” , “World Chinese Model”, “Chinese Spiritual Role Model”, “World’s Top Ten Palace-level Artists” and other honorary titles, among the world’s palace-level art masters, and settled in the newly built “Time Model Museum” in Beijing, becoming a “Times Model”. One of the owners of “Model Art Museum”. In 2020 and 2022, I was invited to publish my calligraphy works together with the important pictures and texts of President Xi as the Lunar New Year Calendar, which has spread all over the world. I am deeply honored!




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